La os farve garn i weekenden


Yarn dyed with food colouring in mason jars
(english only) 
I just can't wait to dive into the dying pot again.  I have a strong urge to transform un-dyed yarn into a skein of fab luscious colour. This time the plan is to hunt for the perfect colour, meaning the perfect shade of any colour. Starting with green and blue, as they are some of my most favourite and most used colours. But I also want to experiment a bit. 

I've dug into my archive (from the old blog) and found some pictures from the last time I dyed yarn on a massive scale. It was for private use but ever since it's sparked an interest. Most of these are little experiments with food colouring, but they represent the colours I'm hoping to archive. 

Yarn dyed with food colouring and elderberries
What do you think about kettle dyed BFL and perhaps some multi speckle merino sock yarn? Stay tuned.

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