No new yarn

No more new yarn 2017


Yes it's true I'm putting myself probation - no more new yarn (bought by me, gifts ok) for the rest of the year.

I've just discovered that I had ....much more yarn then I thought. As I mention before we have just moved (in February) but somehow boxes with yarn keep appearing....

Not to mention in my mailbox after latenight online shopping  (oh Paypal you are just too easy). So per 1 april (ok not exactly I did manage to buy some amazing pink tweed before starting the ban). It's scary but also exciting. I have so much nice yarn that just want to be on my needles.

Ps I'm not a slave to you Paypal...(changed my password to something I've already forgotten)

1st month down and well I had a birthday and started on a shawl in luxury yarn so it went ok.

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